Do you want to learn real Spanish? Watch the video and discover Elisenda's method to learn Spanish
Do you want to enroll in one of the courses or do you want to plan a free intake with Elisenda? Click here
Why learn Spanish by Elisenda?
Spanish lessons in Amsterdam Oost
Do you want to learn real Spanish? Watch the video and discover Elisenda's method to learn Spanish
Do you want to enroll in one of the courses or do you want to plan a free intake with Elisenda? Click here
We start the 16th of September!
Maximum 6 students per group, so more personal attention than in other group classes!
Interactive, playful & filled with cultural activities in and outside the class!
Check out the New Rosters!
A different sort of Spanish lesson...
Come to the Fideuá cooking workshop, where we learn Spanish while cooking together.
Sunday 6th of October between 12:00 and 15:30 at Spaans spreken bij Elisena.